
Calm-XietyCalm-Xiety (Tapping/Reflexology)

 What is Calm-Xiety?

Calm-Xiety is an alternative therapy that uses the combination of tapping and reflexology points.

It is based on the powerful healing properties of Tapping and Reflexology. To directly help the causes of panic attacks and anxiety.

Tapping on the meridians of the body similar to acupressure points to help release blocks or imbalances in our body. Reflexology techniques work on the nervous system and adrenals to calm the body.

Clients can use Calm-Xiety tapping and reflexology when they are feeling anxious, stressed, scared, have problems sleeping or when they have a specific issue they would like to resolve.

Calm-Xiety is also beneficial to use on the day of the event or outing that you may be concerned about, to help relax and calm the nervous system, mind and body.

To help relieve the issues around the problem.

How many sessions do I need?

This can vary depending on the issue we are working with.

Usually between 3-6 sessions is all a client should need.

As once you are taught this technique you have it for life and can be used in any situation.


How long is a session?

1 hour

 How long will it last?

In general the issue you tapped on can subside after a treatment.

You will find you might have to tap on different issues that may come up.

Does it work?

Evidential studies have showed that tapping worked with around 80% of clients.

I suggest once having a Calm-Xiety session to continue to do Tapping for 14 days so you remember the techniques, then you can use it when needed.

Daily tapping is recommended to help you feel calm and relaxed.


             Call Lynda on 0429 106 950 to find out more.